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The Science of Answering Questions

Taught by Dr. Daniel Ennis



This webinar offers an in-depth look at how people answer questions in surveys. We will take you through the process of operationalizing survey concepts, and how to improve survey item comprehension, validity and reliability. We will also explore the concepts of optimizing and satisficing. When a respondent answers a question in a consumer survey, we would like to believe that he or she would first comprehend the question, retrieve an answer, make a judgment, and then look for the answer that best fits this judgment. However, most people are unlikely to optimize in this way, and in fact, energy minimization may be a motivating factor in how people elect to answer questions. In considering the behavior of different subjects and even the same subject in a given test, we may observe a continuum from strong satisficing to optimizing. In this webinar, a process model for answering a question will be shown to distinguish optimizing behavior from satisficing behavior. We will also explore survey design, identifying and removing sources of bias, and analysis of data and statistical issues, with plenty of time to answer your questions.

This webinar is intended for a general audience of sensory professionals and graduate students. No detailed technical knowledge is assumed.

A digital recording of this webinar is available for purchase ($289).

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