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Developing Consumer Relevant Action Standards for Sensory Difference Testing

Taught by Dr. Benoît Rousseau



A recurring business dilemma that sensory is asked to resolve is to determine when the difference between two products is consumer relevant. But establishing this knowledge is an outstanding problem in the sensory and consumer research fields and various methods have been suggested. One method is to benchmark product differences from past tests where it is known that consumers continued to purchase the product even in the presence of variability or change. This method can be employed when products are routinely made in different factories or when blend and flavor modifications have already been introduced without any appreciable loss of sales. Another approach is to link internal panel measurements with consumer hedonic response to the set of differences. But ideally, it would be desirable to have a consumer-based estimate of the average criterion that consumers use to decide whether products are the same or different.

In this webinar we discuss the above approaches to defining a consumer relevant difference, including a recently developing approach based on same/different judgments. We will also discuss how this latter approach can be used even when the same different test is not the standard test within a difference testing program.

This webinar is intended for a general audience of sensory professionals and graduate students. No detailed technical knowledge is assumed.

A digital recording of this webinar is available for purchase ($289). 


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