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Advances in Tetrad Testing

Taught by Dr. John Ennis



Sensory professionals are challenged on a daily basis to provide meaningful guidance with a near absence of resources. “Reduce costs! Change the manufacturing process! Substitute ingredients! But do not reduce, or even change, the sensory experience!” is a common management mandate. Difference testing is the proper tool for determining whether or not this mandate has been met, yet a longstanding issue in difference testing is the shortage of sensitive methods in which no attribute is specified. As a result, Triangle testing is in widespread use despite its well-documented lack of sensitivity.

In recent years, the Tetrad test has emerged as a viable alternative to the Triangle test – under ideal circumstances the Tetrad test can achieve the same power as the Triangle test with only one-third the sample size. But since the Tetrad test requires the evaluation of four samples, it may not be appropriate for all applications. In this webinar we first review the recent advances that have been made with Tetrad testing, and we then consider the circumstances under which Tetrad testing might be recommended as an option for unspecified discrimination testing. In particular, we will discuss Tetrad testing with both internal panelists and with naïve consumers, and will touch on the possibility of replicated Tetrad testing as a way to improve effective sample size.

This webinar is intended for a general audience of sensory professionals and graduate students. No detailed technical knowledge is assumed.

A digital recording of this webinar is available for purchase ($289).


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