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Male Speaker


Our past talks are available below. 

Pangborn 2019  |  Edinburgh, Scotland

Computational Advances in the Production of Compact Letter Displays

CSP 2019  |  New Orleans, LA


How Big, or Small, Should I Go? Establishing an Optimal Sample Size

IFT 2017  |  Las Vegas, NV

How do Perceived Sensory Differences and Preferences Relate?

Senseasia 2016  |  Shanghai, China

A Three-Step Approach to Characterizing Consumer Segmentation via Machine Learning

Pangborn 2019  |  Edinburgh, Scotland

Ensuring the Business Relevance of a Company’s Internal Sensory Program

KoSFoST 2018  |  Busan, Korea

The 9-Point Scale and Hedonic Ranking: Some re-Appraisals and Alternatives

Senseasia 2016  |  Shanghai, China

Power and Precision in Sensory Difference Testing

ASTM 2015  |  Tampa

IV International Forum of Consumer Protection: Law and Advertisement  |  Bogotá, Colombia

Sensory Discrimination Testing and Consumer Relevance

Senseasia 2014  |  SingEx, Singapore

It Wouldn’t Have Been Possible Without You: The Story of John Ennis’ Research

Pangborn Symposium 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Investigating Sensory Equivalence of Reformulated Products

Wellness Conference 2013  |  Chicago, IL

A new statistic to detect segmentation or unequal variance in 2-Alternative Choice (2-AC) testing

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

Advances in Tetrad Testing

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

Transitioning from Proportion of Distinguishers to a More Meaningful Measure of Sensory Difference

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

A Visual Tool to Understand and Predict Consumers’ Expectations Through Ideal Point Modeling

Korean Society of Food Science and Technology  |  Daejeon, South Korea


Workshop on Combinatorial Tools in Sensory and Consumer Science

Pangborn 2011  |  Toronto, Canada

Searching for a Single Grain of Sand: Finding Most Compatible Combinations of Ingredients, Flavors or Components

OP&P Product Research, May 2011  |  Utrecht, The Netherlands

An Advanced Tool to Optimize Product Characteristics and to Study Population Segmentation

OP&P Product Research, May 2011  |  Utrecht, The Netherlands

An Efficient Approach to Solving Complex Market Research Problems

Sensometrics 2010  |  Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Recommendations for ‘No Preference’ Responses

Sensometrics 2010  |  Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Successful Product Development using a Consumer Perspective

ASTM 2010  |  St. Louis, MO

Multiplicative Comparisons of Normal Variables

ASTM 2009  |  Vancouver, Canada

Ratios of Normal Variables in Superiority Claims

Sensometrics 2008  |  St. Catharines, Canada

A New Tool to Optimize Product Characteristics and Study Population Segmentation

Pangborn 2005  |  Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Conducting Discrimination Studies Involving Products with Batch-to-Batch Variability

IFT 2002  |  Anaheim, CA

A Thurstonian Comparison of the Tetrad and Degree of Difference Tests

Sensometrics 2014  |  Chicago, IL

Why establishing the consumer relevance of a sensory difference is critical

Pangborn Symposium 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Developments in Applicability and CATA Scoring

Pangborn Symposium 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Technical Workshop – An Exploration of Tetrad Testing

Society of Sensory Professionals Conference 2012  |  Jersey City, NJ

Finding Best Product-bundles of Sparkling Fruit-juice Beverages using Graph Theoretic Analysis (GTA)

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

A Thurstonian model for the Degree of Difference test with extensions to unequal variance, sequence effects and replicated data

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

Best Practices in Sensory Advertising Claim Substantiation

IFT 2012  |  Las Vegas, NV

Five Key Experimental Factors for a Successful Sensory Discrimination Program

Ewha Womans University  | Seoul, South Korea

Using Thurstonian Predictions and Experimental Data to Investigate the Optimal Category Scale Structure for the Degree of Difference Protocol

Pangborn 2011  |  Toronto, Canada

A Unifying Framework for Product and Concept Testing

OP&P Product Research, May 2011  |  Utrecht, The Netherlands

Busting the Myth that the Power of the 3-AFC over the Triangle comes from Attribute Awareness

ASTM 2011  |  Anaheim, CA

Chi Square Control Charts

Sensometrics 2010  |  Rotterdam, The Netherlands

New Methods: Alternate Methods for Consideration

ASTM 2010  |  St. Louis, MO

Contrasting Ideal Point and Vector Models of Liking

Pangborn 2009  |  Florence, Italy

Lower Bounds for Multiplicative Comparisons

Joint Statistical Meeting 2009  |  Washington, DC

Ratios of Normal Variables in Superiority Claims

ASTM 2008  |  Covington, KY

Predicting Consumers’ Discriminating Ability from Expert Panel’s Data Using Ice Cream

Pangborn 2003  |  Boston, MA


Our past posters are available below. 

Pangborn 2019  |  Edinburgh, Scotland

Establishing Consumer-Relevant Action Standards in Sensory Discrimination Testing

Pangborn 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Panel Tracking via Thurstonian Modeling

Pangborn 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Developing an Emotion Lexicon Using Landscape Segmentation Analysis® (LSA) and Graph Theoretic Analysis (GTA)

SSP 2012  |  Jersey City, NJ

A Cooperative Approach to Product Optimization

SSP 2012  |  Jersey City, NJ

Compact Letter Displays to Concisely Represent Pairwise Sensory Information

Sensometrics 2012  |  Rennes, France

Establishing Identicality Norms for No Preference Data

Pangborn 2011  |  Toronto, Canada

Measuring Product Similarities: Are Two Indices, R-Index and d’, Interchangeable?

IFT 2011  |  New Orleans, LA

Pangborn 2019  |  Edinburgh, Scotland

Pangborn 2015  |  Gothenburg, Sweden

The Effect of Dimensionality on Multivariate Mapping of Hedonic Data

Pangborn 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Power and Precision of the Tetrad and Degree of Difference Tests

Pangborn 2013  |  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A New Approach to Product Selection with Numerous Practical Constraints

SSP 2012  |  Jersey City, NJ

Analysis and Thurstonian Scaling of Applicability Scores

SSP 2012  |  Jersey City, NJ

Too Much or Too Little: Why Ignoring Satiety Can Result in Misleading Mapping Results

Pangborn 2011  |  Toronto, Canada

Searching for a Single Grain of Sand: How to Find Optimal Combinations of Features or Components

Pangborn 2011  |  Toronto, Canada

How to Best Account for ‘No Preference’ Counts

SSP 2010  |  Napa, CA


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