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Commentary on Meyners, Carr, and Hasted: “To replicate or not to replicate, or when did we start to ignore the concept of statistical power?” (2020).

Biases in paired preference tests: Cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and American consumers (2019).

Sensory discrimination testing and consumer relevance (2015)

A Thurstonian model for the degree of difference protocol (2015)

A Thurstonian comparison of the Tetrad and Degree of Difference tests (2015)


Sensory difference tests as measurement instruments: A review of recent advances (2014)


Triangle and tetrad protocols: Small sensory differences, resampling and consumer relevance (2014)

Paired preference data with a no-preference option – Statistical tests for comparison with placebo data (2014)


Precision of measurement in Tetrad testing (2014)


Transitioning from proportion of discriminators to a more meaningful measure of sensory difference (2014)


Reconsidering the specified tetrad test (2013)

Importance of correct instructions in the tetrad test (2013)


A Thurstonian Analysis of the Two-Out-of-Five Test (2013)


The year of the tetrad test (2013)

Analysis and Thurstonian scaling of applicability scores (2013)

A comparison of three commonly used methods for treating no preference votes (2012)


A large-scale experimental comparison of the tetrad and triangle tests in children (2012)

Accounting for no difference/preference responses or ties in choice experiments (2012)

Guiding the switch from triangle testing to tetrad testing (2012)

The power of sensory discrimination methods revisited (2011)

Equivalence hypothesis testing: Reply to Bi (2010).

Equivalence hypothesis testing (2010)

Tables for parity testing (2008)

Rejoinder to Bi and Meyners (2008)

Response to Bi, J. (2007)


Simultaneous estimations of multiple product similarities using a new discrimination protocol (2007)


Relating consumer and trained panels’ discriminative sensitivities using vanilla flavored ice cream as a medium (2007)

Sources and influence of perceptual variance: Comment on Dzhafarov’s regular minimality principle (2006)


Are three-sample tasks less sensitive than two-sample tasks? Memory effects in the testing of taste discrimination (2004)


Corroborating the 2-AFC and 2-AC Thurstonian models using both a model system and sparkling water (2004)


Discrimination testing: A few ideas, old and new (2003)


Foundations of sensory science (2003)


Sensory difference testing (2003)


Investigating more powerful discrimination tests with consumers: effects of memory and response bias (2002)

The multiple dual-pair method (2002)

Exact beta-binomial tables for small experiments (2001)

Statistical models for the A-Not A method (2001)

The power of the “A”-”Not A” method (2001)

Les biais de réponse dans le cadre d’analyses discriminatives (2001)

A Thurstonian model for the dual pair (4IAX) discrimination method (2001)

The b-strategy: An alternative and powerful cognitive strategy when performing sensory discrimination tests (2001)

Investigation of the dual-pair method as a possible alternative to the triangle and same-different tests (2001)

Replicated difference and preference tests: How to account for inter-trial variation (2000)


Investigation of the effect of within-trial retasting and comparison of the dual-pair, same-different and triangle paradigms (2000)

Beta-binomial tables for replicated difference and preference tests (1999)

The power of sensory discrimination methods used in replicated difference and preference tests (1999)


Mustard discrimination by same-different and triangle tests: Aspects of irritation, memory and t criteria (1999)

The beta-binomial model: Accounting for inter-trial variation in replicated difference and preference tests (1998)

Power and sensitivity of the same-different test: Comparison with triangle and duo-trio methods (1998)


Sensory thresholds: Concepts and methods (1998)


Foundations of sensory science and a vision for the future (1998)

Thurstonian models for variants of the method of tetrads (1998)

A Thurstonian variant of the beta-binomial model for replicated difference tests (1998)

How to estimate and use the variance of d’ from difference tests (1997)


Sensory difference tests: Thurstonian and SSA predictions for vanilla flavored yogurts (1997)

Probabilistic models for sequential taste effects in triadic choice (1995)

A general model for preferential and triadic choice in terms of central F distribution functions (1994)

Preference gives more consistent judgments than oddity only if the task can be modeled as forced choice (1994)

Triadic discrimination testing: Refinement of Thurstonian and sequential sensitivity analysis approaches (1994)

Noncentral and central chi-square, F and beta distribution functions as special cases of the distribution function of an indefinite quadratic form (1993)

A single multidimensional model for discrimination, identification, and preferential choice (1993)

Is preferential choice affected by attribute scoring in blind consumer product testing? (1993)

The relative sensitivities of same-different and identification judgment models to perceptual dependence (1993)


Thurstone-Shepard similarity models as special cases of moment generating functions (1993)

The power of sensory discrimination methods (1993)


Probabilistic psychophysics with noisy stimuli (1992)

Modeling similarity and identification when there are momentary fluctuations in psychological magnitudes (1992)

A general probabilistic model for triad discrimination, preferential choice, and two-alternative identification (1992)

A simple multivariate probabilistic model for preferential and triadic choices (1991)

The relative power of difference testing methods in sensory evaluation (1990)

Decision conflicts: Within-trial resampling in Richardson’s method of triads (1989)

Variants of the method of triads: Unidimensional Thurstonian models (1988)

Models for the duo-trio and triangular methods (1988)

A multidimensional stochastic theory of similarity (1988)

Confusable and discriminable stimuli: Comments on Nosofsky (1986) and Shepard (1986) (1988)


Multivariate sensory analysis (1988)

Mathematical formulation of multivariate Euclidean models for discrimination methods (1987)

The integration of the multivariate normal density function for the triangular method (1987)

A multivariate model for discrimination methods (1986)

Theoretical aspects of sensory discrimination (1985)

The effect of dimensionality on results from the triangular method (1985)




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