The Institute for Perception | Market Research Supplier | Richmond, VA
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Prospecting new opportunities.

Providing companies with the resources they need to maintain current product quality and explore new opportunities.

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Experimental Design,
US & Global Data Acquisition, Analyses, Advanced Analytics, Storytelling & Insights

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Non-comparative, Superiority, Equivalence, & Unsurpassed Claims, Consumer Perception Surveys, Expert Witnessing

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Sensory & Consumer Science, Marketing Insights, Statistics, Data Science & Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics

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Annual Training Events, Internal Courses, Webinars, Presentations, Publications, Technical Reports

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Books, Technical Reports, Journal Articles


Innovating new products, improving existing ones

We conduct market research for clients
in a variety of industries
including foods and beverages, personal care, home/pet care, pharmaceuticals, and digital services.

We have supported our clients' advertising claims for more than 25 years.
Our services include consulting, defensible product tests and consumer perception surveys. We provide expert witnessing in National Advertising Division (NAD) and litigated cases for many product categories.

Our clients rely on us to help them convert technical & marketing insights into innovations,
to navigate the complex world of advanced analytics and machine learning, to develop the basis for advertising claims, or simply to design better experiments and explore new techniques.

We use innovative teaching methods
to bring course material alive and put our participants into practical situations as they learn and apply new ideas. Learning opportunities include annual short courses, quarterly webinars, and internal, customizable training.


Upcoming Course |

Difference Testing & Drivers of Liking®
& Their Roles in New Product Innovation

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation.

Let's explore innovative solutions. We'll set up a call where you can tell us about your project, get to know us, ask questions, get a price quote, and a completion date.

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